20 May CBD for Pain & Pain Relieve
CBD for Pain & Pain Relieve
If you are considering using CBD oil for pain, you may have a few questions about the way it works. One of the most common questions that arise is how long CBD oil takes to work for pain relief. Many people also wonder how to use CBD oil for pain specifically.
The best way to plot out a treatment plan that will work for your particular requirements always comes down to understanding what CBD is, and how it works in the body. So, let’s take a step back and examine the uses of CBD oil for pain relief from a more holistic viewpoint.
How does CBD work?
The human body has an endocannabinoid system which is dispersed throughout many brain regions that are responsible for the regulation of numerous aspects of neuronal activity. This includes sleep regulation, the responses of the immune system, as well as pain responses.
The body produces some cannabinoids of its own, which are called endocannabinoids, and also responds to external cannabinoids derived from plant material.
Pain is not always a bad thing. When our bodies’ pain receptors are working in the right way, uncomfortable sensations are a useful way for our bodies to alert our brains when a stimulus threatens our overall well being. E.g. to take our hand away from a source of heat, or not to eat a certain type of food. However, in certain cases pain no longer plays a protective role. This is what people refer to as ‘chronic pain’.
In a medical sense, ‘chronic pain’ is defined as pain that persists past normal healing time and, as such, does not have the acute warning function of physiological nociception (the sensory nervous system’s process of encoding noxious stimuli). Usually pain will be diagnosed as chronic when it lasts or recurs for more than three to six months.
CBD oil is said to be able to relieve chronic pain by promoting the functioning of the endocannabinoid system.
Can CBD oil really be a pain reliever?
According to studies by the NCCIH there is evidence to the effect that CBD has the potential to relieve the mental and physical impact of chronic pain. It is, however, important to note that these studies are ongoing, and that there aren’t any clear-cut findings just yet.
However, on a patient-to-patient basis and anecdotal level, CBD has been described as a viable solution for pain that results from:
Damaged nerves. Also called ‘neuropathic pain’, this condition is also associated with illnesses like MS, and serious back injuries like herniated discs. It may also result from infections caused by the varicella-zoster virus (i.e. shingles), etc.
Joint inflammation. Inflammatory diseases like arthritis can cause intense discomfort due to the swelling of joints, reduced range of movement as well as general stiffness. The topical application of CBD gel has yielded positive results in certain trails, although there is yet more research to be conducted in this regard.
Autoimmune conditions. This refers to diseases in which the body’s immune system gets confused and starts to attack healthy cells. E.g. Lupus, an inflammatory disease that presents when the body attacks its own tissues; multiple sclerosis, which occurs when the protective covering of the nerves are eaten away; polymyalgia , which is characterised by muscle pain and stiffness around the shoulders and hips; and more.
How should I take CBD oil for pain?
CBD oil can be taken in a variety of ways. It can quite simply be applied under the tongue like a tincture, blended into smoothies or juices, or even added to foods if you don’t particularly like the taste and want to mask it. It can also be inhaled via vaping, or applied topically as a cream, gel or balm.
PLEASE NOTE: It is always recommended that you consult your primary physician before you add CBD oil to your pain management regimen.
Cannabidiol or CBD has been found by certain complementary medical practitioners to have a positive effect on the living quality of patients who suffer from chronic pain. It cannot get the user high, and has the potential to promote the functioning of the endocannabinoid system which can lessen the mental and physical effects of pain that no longer plays a protective role and persist past conventional healing time. As such, many individuals use CBD oil for pain.